The producers of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” have created the new comedy reality series “Videos After Dark” hosted by comedian Bob Saget and featuring home videos with an edgier twist. As the original host of “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” Saget is no stranger to the world of home videos. These new, fast paced, half-hour shows will feature videos from Vin Di Bona’s vast video vault that are more appropriate for an adult audience. Incredible real life mishaps, uproarious blunders, and extremely bad decisions are celebrated and highlighted with Saget’s comedic commentary. “Videos After Dark" reunites Vin Di Bona and Bob Saget in a show where the hits are a little harder, the language a bit saltier, the animals a little less cute, the kids a tad less adorable, and the embarrassing moments way more revealing.
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PLEASE NOTE: This is a late night show and there will be some adult material. Some tapings may have profanity and/or nudity. If you are not comfortable with that kind of subject matter we advise that you do not attend.
Please submit your information and we will notify you as soon as tickets are released. Thanks!
Westdrift Hotel
1400 Parkview Ave
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Minimum Age:18+